For residents

Welcome to Kouvolan Asunnot! We hope you enjoy your new apartment. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Residents online portal

Kouvolan Asunnot provides residents with personal resident pages (online). On the resident portal, you can submit maintenance requests, contact Kouvolan Asunnot customer service and check your rent payment information. You can register for the resident pages as soon as your rental agreement begins. Registration requires strong authentication with online banking credentials or mobile ID. In the future, you can log in to the portal with your chosen username and password.

Guide of Housing

The Housing Guide provides comprehensive information on living in a Kouvolan Asunnot rental apartment and taking care of the property.

Resident benefits

  • Free Elisa internet connection (opens in a new tab)
  • Free laundry room (in buildings with laundry facilities)
  • Pets allowed in apartments
  • Resident magazine and newsletter
  • Resident activities in the buildings
  • Annual Tykkimäki amusement park day and Mielakka winter festival
  • Benefits through partner companies, such as discounted tickets
  • Rewards for long-term tenancy

Toolbox available for borrowing

Kouvolan Asunnot provides residents with two toolboxes available for borrowing. The toolbox can be reserved for two weekdays through customer service.

Phone: +358 20 615 8900
E-mail: asiakaspalvelu(a)

The toolbox has to be picked up and returned to Kouvolan Asunnot’s office at Kauppamiehenkatu 4, Kouvola.