Rent payment

For rent payment, the tenant will receive a rental invoice after the agreement is signed. The due date for rent payment is the 5th day of each month.

When making the rent payment, you should use the reference number, which remains the same every month. Rent can also be paid through e-invoice or direct debit. You can set up an e-invoice agreement in your own online bank and a direct debit agreement at your bank. The reference number is used as the identifier in the agreement. The due date of the rent payment cannot be changed according to the rental agreement.

Sauna and parking fees (if available) are paid together with the rent payment. In properties where water consumption is separately monitored, water charges are invoiced every three months based on actual consumption.

During the annual rent review, a new rental invoice will be sent to the tenant. Any rent increase will be informed to the tenant in writing at least two months before the new rent takes effect.

It is important to ensure that the rent is paid on time. In case of payment difficulties, it is important to contact the rent control department to discuss possible actions. Late rent payments will incur penalty interest, which is invoiced twice a year. The legally permitted collection fee will be added to the payment reminder.

Check with Kela (the Finnish Social Insurance Institution) if you are eligible for housing assistance: Kela, housing benefits (link opens in a new tab). Kouvolan Asunnot has electronic data transfer with Kela, which means that you do not need to separately provide Kela with documents regarding your housing.

The rental agreement can be terminated due to unpaid rent. If necessary, unpaid rents will be collected from the tenant through legal means.

You can find information related to your rent payment in the “Oma talous” (My finances) section on the tenant pages.

For any matters related to rental billing and payment, Kouvolan Asunnot’s rent control department is available to assist you.

Phone: +358 20 615 8914
E-mail: vuokravalvonta(a)